Thursday, June 24, 2010
Going Potty At Grandma's House
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Boys Are Growing Up!
Since last weekend, Jonathan has only had 2 potty accidents while we've been at home. He is doing so well. Now if we can get him to go on the big potty and go when we are away from home, we will be set.
Since his surgery, Ethan has just grown leaps and bounds, hitting several milestones. First of all, Ethan is now crawling forwards and is very fast going everywhere, getting into everything including Jonathan's toys. We've had to close the gates and are now trying to teach Jonathan how to share his toys. He's having a difficult time with that one. Ethan seems particularly interested in Foster and Jonathan's Disney Cars toys, you know the metal ones. He likes to put them in his mouth, bang them together, and bang the floor. All of these things we don't want him to do with metal cars, so we've had to watch Ethan carefully. Second, Ethan is now pulling himself up onto things. He likes the table where all of our cups and toys are in the living room. He also likes to pull himself up onto his activity table and Jonathan's train table. We suspect he'll be cruising soon. Third thing Ethan is now doing is taking huge bottles (120-150 ml) all at once and is able to eat Gerber baby food a lot better. He's not spitting it all out with his tongue now, but is able to take in a bigger spoonful and keep most of it in. As soon as I am done with this supply of Gerber, we'll move on to more sophisticated stuff. I also will start him on dairy. First up is yogurt. We'll see if he's grown out of his dairy allergy. As far as his G-tube in concerned, we have not used it in 3 or 4 days now. The doc said if he continues to grow properly without using it, we can think about getting it taken out. Lastly, Ethan is crawling up and down the stair going between the living room and dining room. He's so proud of himself. He loves to look at us after he's done something and clap.
Monday, June 21, 2010
And The Good News Keeps Rolling In
We also met with Nutrition and his main Cranialfacial pediatrician. They are also very pleased with Ethan's progress.
As far as Nutrition is concerned, we are now devising a plan to slowly ween him off the bottle and on to 100% solids. The plan is to give him 3 meals a day of solids and alternate with bottle feedings in between, one first thing in the morning, and one just before bed time. We will be in touch with Nutrition in 2 weeks and then have another appointment to see them in August. They were all impressed that at this point almost nothing is going through the G-Tube and he is almost being fed 100% orally.
There is now talk of when to take the G-Tube out. G-Tubes in general have a very short lifespan and need to be replaced every 3-6 months. We are at that point now as his seems to be leaking - if you take the cap off (or as is the case with Ethan - he pulls it off or scrapes it open as he's crawling), it will leak somewhat. However, since he is doing so well with his oral feeding, the thought was to not replace the tube yet. We will simply leave it in for now (since we hardly use it) and save him the trouble of the replacement.
Replacing a G-Tube is a simple procedure that is done in clinic (i.e. no surgery required) - they simply pull out the old one and pop in a new one. However, it does take some force to pull out a G-Tube and I am sure it is about as enjoyable an experience as a swift hard boot to the head. It was felt that it was better to spare Ethan the experience and leave the old one in as it may be simply discarded within a few months anyway.
The criteria for removal is 2 months with absolutely no use of the G-Tube and no loss of weight or fall off in his growth trajectory. We are not there yet, but we are getting very, very close.
We are now not due for another appointment with his CF pediatrician for another 12-18 months - that's how well they felt Ethan is doing. The CF pediatrician will still of course be appraised of any other goings on (i.e. what Opthamology will have to say in August, if ear tubes are required (for drainage), when his dermoid surgery will be scheduled, etc.) but he felt he didn't need to actually see Ethan for over another year.
His plastic surgeon also said that there was no real need to see Ethan again until another 1-2 years. At that point it will be to simply evaluate how the scar is healing and to see if anything has changed in terms of his jaw development. His assessment at this point is that Ethan will be evaluated at age 7-8 to see if any surgery is required on the jaw. It is still quite possible that at that time, they will say that nothing needs to be done until adulthood.
One thing to note: because of the mandibular hypoplasia, Ethan will definitely have an overbite. How severe it will be and if any corrective measures are to be taken will be monitored and assessed primarily by his pediatric dentist.
We also discussed the possibility of speech therapy and any spinal issues (recall that Cranialfacial Microsomia patients can develop upper spine abnormalities). They felt that based on what they saw today, Ethan should have no need to see a speech therapist (however, it is something we will continually monitor and if required, he will be reassessed at 18 months). His spine looked fine and here too, they thought that there was very little risk of any bad surprises occurring.
So to sum up: Ethan is healing and recovering from surgery very, very well. The doctors are all pleased with his progress to the point that they don't feel the need to see him again for another year or more. The only things left on the near term horizon are the dermoid removal, the possible insertion of the ear tubes, and Nutrition's ongoing assessment to plan to get him off the bottle and get rid of the G-Tube.
- bob
"Uh Oh. I Have To Go Potty!" Jonathan Officially Potty Trained!
Jonathan also ran upstairs and went without Bob or I sitting there with him for the first time. He told me that he had to go, but then he ran upstairs without me and did his business. I caught him running around naked from the waste down.
I find it rather humerous that Jonathan says "Uh oh" and then says he has to go potty. I don't know where that came from, but the phrase gives his statement a sense of urgency and we always go running upstairs as soon as he says he has to go.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Ethan's Feeding Has Greatly Improved
Before the surgery, Ethan was sleeping through the night from between 10:00 pm and midnight to around 9:00 am in the morning. I would gavash him around 3:00 am or 4:00 am. After the surgery, Ethan started waking up between 1:00 am and 2:00 am. I would feed him and he would go to back to sleep until 9:00 am. I would still gavash early in the morning too.
During the day, Ethan was getting a lot fussier too. I started increasing his bottle feeding volume by several mL six times a day and have since jumped up to 150 mL today, which he actually took and kept down. He used to be very volume sensitive, but it now appears he is able to handle an increased volume. At one point, I fed him green beans and bananas and he still took a whole bottle an hour later.
Along with the increased bottle feeding, he is also taking more solid food. Now I am a little concerned that he is eating too much :) Since I tried 150 mL today and he handled it, I am going to try and give Ethan 5 bottle feeds a day of 150 mL of milk instead of 120 mL 6 times a day and see how that goes. We go in for an appointment on Monday where we will talk to his nutritionist and discuss how to proceed from here.
Jonathan Is Officially Potty Trained!!!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Before And After Comparisons
Before. Look at his mouth and ear tags. | |
After. Look at his closed lip and no ear tags. |
Before | |
After |
Above: Before
Right: After
Ethan is doing very well. He continues to make great progress in his recovery. He also continues to make great progress in his oral bottle feeding and gross motor skills. He is taking all of his feeds from his bottle, sometimes even the middle of the night feed and still acts hungry. I have increased his intake volume. Ethan went a couple of whole days without using his G-Tube at all. The next step is to start Ethan on solids again. He was eating solids before the surgery, but has not had any solids other than a baby rice cracker since his surgery.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Stitches, Stitches No More Stitches!
Ethan post surgery 6/8/10
As of today, we were given the ok to stop using the arm restraints. It is now ok for Ethan to put certain things in his mouth as long as the object can't hook his mouth and catch on the scar. He still has dissolvable stitches on the inside of his cheek, which are supposed to go away within 2 weeks of the surgery. He also has steri strips and dissolvable stitches where his ear tags were taken off. We will just wait until the steri trip falls off by themselves with now further action needed. As of today, it has been exactly one week. We were also given some silicone patches to put over the scar. The silicone is supposed to help the scar heal faster and look better in the long run. We are supposed to keep the scar covered at all times for several weeks unless he is being bathed or fluid gets under the patch.
Ethan's next appointment will be a follow up with his plastic surgeon and a check up with his craniofacial doctor and nutritionist on June 21st. I am hoping to get Ethan off of his overnight feeds soon. Then we will have all of July off with no scheduled appointments at Children's. He may restart working with his physical therapist again in July to help his oral mobility and scar treatment, but we will discuss this with both his surgeon and therapist as we get closer to July.
Ethan's appetite has certainly returned as well. He is eating his full feeds orally and still acting hungry, so he is doing very well in this area. I am rarely feeding him through his G-tube during the day, only using this method once for his middle of the night feeding, which we are still required to do.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Poor Ethan
Poor Guy!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
It's Amazing How Quickly Ethan Recovers! Dina's Experience
Ethan right after surgery.
Ethan the day after surgery.
First time Ethan shows off is new smile.
Ethan's latch on the bottle is much improved. He loves to feed himself. What a big boy!
Slowly throughout the day, Ethan got a little more active and I got a stroller so I could take him for walks. I thought this would be a good distraction for him. He continued to take small amounts out of a bottle, but the nurse wanted to give his tummy a rest so we did not gavage the entire time he was an inpatient. The nurse said they were looking for him to only take 50% to 75% of his feedings in order to go home.
In a stroller going for a walk around the hospital. Ethan needed a distraction from being in his room all day long.
Friday, June 4, 2010
The Evening After
As per the doctor - the muscles that were repaired around the lip in the surgery are already functioning. He actually already has a fairly strong suction on the binky. This bodes quite well for further progress on his oral feedings and with luck, we may yet be off the G-tube by the end of the year.
The overall bloatedness of the (now not so) little guy (due to all the fluids pumped into him during surgery) will take a few days to subside (i.e. several days for him to pee it all out). The swelling on the right side of his face (where the macrostomia repair took place) has increased as per what the doctor said would happen. This should disappear over the next few days on it's own.
- bob
The Day After
Captain's Log: Supplemental
There is a chance Ethan will come home tonight. Next scheduled pain medication is 5PMish. Then they will evaluate how he does. If all goes well, he will be home tonight (ETA: uncertain). If not, sometime tomorrow (hopefully). My folks will be in town shortly (like within the hour) to help out.
Captain's Log: Supplemental
As of 9:25PM, Ethan and Dina are now home!
- bob
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Surgery Day
The ENT surgeon did note that there was in fact fluid in the ears and tubes will most likely be needed. The procedure is a simple one and apparently can be done in about 15 minutes so if it is decided that we should procede along these lines, the tube insertion will most likely be appended to his eye surgery (to fix the dermoid). This surgery will probably be in the Sept./Oct. timeframe. The fluid in his ears will impact his hearing so I am fairly certain this is the course of action that will be taken.
If all goes well and according to plan (and so far it has), Ethan will be home sometime tomorrow. Dina is staying at Children's overnight with Ethan while I will stay home with Jonathan. (If anyone is wondering, Jonathan stayed with Dina's mom all day - a big thank you there!).
Ethan and his Most-Absolutely-Most-Favoritest-Person-In-The-Whole-Wide-World (aka mommy) - pre surgery.
Ethan and mommy - post surgery.
Ethan post surgery. You can clearly see the stitches and surgical sites. The site on the side of his mouth appears large but is actually about right when you stop to think about it: 1/2 of that is where the mouth used to extend to, the other half accounts for where they did the repair to the muscles around the lip. And if you are wondering, the doctor gave the OK for binky immediately after surgery.
Ethan's diaper as it came back from surgery with him (they retain it to weigh it to monitor fluid intake/retention). As I've always suspected - used diapers are a dangerous form of biological warfare.
- bob
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Ethan's Surgery Tomorrow
Jonathan Is Having Success
Today, he went most of the day without an accident and even had more successes. We are so proud of him!
Meeting Mr. Hockey
- bob