Ethan has his third sleep study at Children's Hospital's sleep lab in Bellevue at Overlake Hospital on December 16th. We arrived at 7pm to check in and met our sleep tech James. This was the first time we worked with a male sleep tech and this made me a little nervous since Ethan always had females getting him all hooked up and ready for his previous sleep studies. In the past, Ethan has preferred female doctors over male ones. This is getting better as he gets older, but he really does not like getting hooked up to machines.
I filled out all the necessary paperwork and then Ethan was asked to sit in a chair so he could get ready. He was extremely upset about it. He was crying as he was getting hooked up. James decided to ask Ethan if he wanted to help him and Ethan said yes. James gave Ethan a wire and he began to dip the wire into the glue and stick it on his body like James was doing. Once he was involved, Ethan settled down and helped James with the preparation. I was impressed that James used this tactic and that getting involved calmed Ethan down.
Helping to get all wired up
 All ready to go |
Since Ethan was now 2, he didn't need to use a crib for the sleep study. He was going to sleep in the big bed with a railing and mommy could sleep on the other side with him. This ended up being the arrangement for the last sleep study, but that was only because he refused to sleep for very long in a crib and the study requires a minimum of 6 hours of sleep to get good data.
Nighty Night
Ethan did really well. It took him a while to fall asleep, but he was able to sleep most of the night. I did notice that as far as his breathing was concerned, this was one of the worst nights he'd had in a while. He was very noisy. Ethan was on a tail end of a cold, so this may have contributed to some of the noise that he was making.
As usual, we were woken up around 6am. Ethan got all of his wires off and I turned on the DVD that he'd been watching the previous night. I finished filling out paperwork. James mentioned that for being 2, Ethan was an extremely well behaved child. Even though I know he can be difficult, this comment really made me feel good. Ethan just played with his toys and watch the DVD. This was the same room that he was in previously and James told me that the sleep center typically one has one toddler or small child a night because they are typically high maintenance and get put in the room closest to where the lab techs are monitoring.
We left around 7am and the lab must have gotten a toy box with toys for kids to take home because James told us to choose a toy on the way out. Ethan really like that. He picked a duck, but he wanted to take both ducks.
Choosing a toy to take home
The worst part about doing a sleep study is getting the glue out of hair. When we got home, we were both tired and just wanted to rest. Unfortunately, we had to get the goop out of Ethan's hair. As he cried, I washed his hair with soap and got all the stuff out.

Hair goop and it's a pain to clean out
Ethan has a follow up with Dr. Kifle in January to go over the results of this study. I figure that if we don't hear anything from her within a week, things must be improved. It is supposed to take up to a month for the doctor to read the results, but Dr. Kifle called us less than a week after his last sleep study to tell us we needed to take immediate action and put Ethan on oxygen. I hope there is no call like that this time around.