Jonathan had a field trip to the aquarium and we had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, daddy was not able to get off of work and join us.
When we got there, we stood in front of the big tank, which was like a big IMAX screen and gathered with the rest of the class. Eventually a scuba diver came down and said hi to all the kids. Ethan and Jonathan were happy to see all the fish, but when Ethan saw the scuba diver, he began to cry. It occurred to me later that the boys have been watching "Finding Nemo" a lot lately and the scuba diver is the bad guy who takes Nemo away. It was my thinking that he was scared of the scuba diver because he was the scary thing in the movie. Poor Ethan.
The big tank with the scuba diver |
Ethan calmed down pretty quickly after we walked away from the big tank. We first stopped at the area where the sea creatures could be touched. The boys didn't want to initially touch anything. Jonathan's teacher did give all the kids a sticker sheet where they had things to find throughout the aquarium and put a sticker by it.
Look mommy. I see a starfish. |
Then we continued on our own through the exhibits. We just had to meet everyone back by the octopus tank for the feeding later on the morning. We saw jellyfish, sea otters, a baby sea otter, birds, boats in the sound, and a lot of fish among other things.
I could watch the jellyfish all day |
The octopus |
Dori Fish |
It's Nemo! |
A sea otter and her cub |
After we got through the whole aquarium, Jonathan wanted to go back and touch some of the sea creatures. We first stopped and looked at the sound where all the boats were. Ethan had a great time pointing out all the boats. Then we had time to head back to the touch tank and it was in the same area where the octopus tank was, so we didn't have to go far to meet up with his class.
Touching the water. The boys didn't end up touching any sea creatures. |
After we watched the octopus eat, we said good bye to Miss Call and all of Jonathan's friends, went to wash our hands, and then went up to the cafeteria to eat some lunch.
Hugs for Miss Call |
We ran into Ashly and her mom up in the cafeteria so we ate with them. Then we went to the gift shop and looked around. I bought a big stuffed orca whale that was on sale. Orcas are my favorite and they were trying to get rid of them. Once we left the aquarium, we walked down to the next pier and walked through the little arcade that was there. We also looked at a totem pole that was being created outside that building.
When I got back to the car, I learned a good lesson. When we arrived, I found a $5 lot right across the street from the aquarium, but I didn't know you had to pay tax. When we got back to the car, I had a ticket. I called the company and they took care of the fee and just told me to make sure and pay tax when parking downtown. Good to know. So thankful they took care of the ticket for me.
Overall, Jonathan and Ethan had a lot of fun and told daddy all about what they did and saw when he got home from work.