Thursday, March 11, 2010


Ethan is now teething. Two lower incisors are coming in.

At Jonathan's last dentist appointment (an event itself), we brought Ethan in and talked to her about Ethan and his condition. Much to our surprise, she has seen Cranialfacial Microsomia before.

Somethings she mentioned about children with CFM: teeth may come in crooked, some teeth may be missing, there may be extra teeth, and some teeth may be smaller than normal. So to sum up: there is a veritable cornucopia of possibilities and it is certain that Ethan will require extensive dental work in the years to come.

- bob


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. (screwed up my first comment)

    While that may not sound too exciting, at least your dentist has experience with CFM patients...very cool. It saves you from hunting around for, yet another, specialist.
