Saturday, April 24, 2010

And It Continues Plus First Dentist Visit

Jonathan ended last week and started off this week with a fever. For four days he had a fever of over 103 degrees F. He was lethargic and slept a lot. I took him to the doctor who thought that he had a bad cold and to wait a couple more days to see how things go. The next day Jonathan's fever broke and he was almost acting normal except for developing a nasty cough. We tried to keep Ethan away from Jonathan, but low and behold a week later, both Ethan and Bob have developed a cough. Ethan's is pretty nasty, but not as frequent while Bob's is starting to increase.

We also took Ethan to the dentist for the first time. Dr. Rama wanted to see Ethan when he got his first tooth, which happened back in mid-February, but she wanted to see him on a procedure/surgery day so she could have more time to spend with him. It was nice to be able to have some time to talk to her about Ethan. Because there were very few people in her office that day, we were still able to bring him in even though he was sick. We got some encouraging news too. Dr. Rama doesn't think that Ethan's jaw is as short as we originally thought. When she was feeling around, she said she could feel bone all the way around; a good sign. Usually if there is a short jaw, there is a dip, which she didn't feel. She also can feel teeth coming. She also talked to us about his upper frenulum and the one under his tongue. She agrees with Suzy, Ethan's PT that there is some extra tissue on the underside of Ethan's tongue that may be causing some restrictions. We will definately mention this to Dr. Cunningham and Dr. Sie when we see them on Monday for Ethan's behavioral hearing screen, regular Craniofacial check up, and pre-ops.

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