Friday, July 2, 2010


It has been more than a week now since Ethan has unloaded a big poop. I think going from hardly any solid food to a ton pretty quickly after his surgery was too much for his poor little digestive system. It just couldn't keep up. We've been to the doctor. We've talked to his nutritionist and his physical therapist. We've tried prunes. Nothing. We took him off of all solids and started giving him prune and pear juice. We've tried rubbing his tummy using a technique suggested by his PT. Still nothing. The doctor yesterday suggested we give him Miralax and glycerine suppositories. He just pushes those out, though we get bits of stool out. Not the big explosion we were waiting for. The suppositories seem to work more than anything we've tried though.
So before I posted the above, he FINALLY POOPED!!! I put in a new suppository and I guess that got things working. He started pushing; his face was turning bright red. He pushed for quite a while and I was holding him the whole time so there was some space in his diaper. Then I smelled something. It wasn't his normal smell, but something different. Bob and I both went upstairs to check the diaper. This has happened before and there was no result, but this time I knew he had done something. I laid him down and took the diaper off and there it was...(IF YOU GET GROSSED OUT AND DON'T WANT TO READ ABOUT POO, STOP READING :) one log buried under a bunch of dark paste-like stuff. We got him all cleaned up and then we just looked at the diaper. It wasn't the big blow out we were expecting, but nevertheless we think he got the blockage out. The stool was pretty hard and the suppository also came out. I guess he'd been trying to push that thing out this whole time, only getting little pieces off until now. It only takes one log to plug the hole. Now I guess we'll see if his poo pattern returns to normal and restart solids, though we will make sure he gets his dose of prunes with a lot of liquid!


1 comment:

  1. My pediatrician said pears should also do the trick...we give at least 1 or 2 jars of pears every day. Also if he is on rice cereal maybe switch to oatmeal...oatmeal is not supposed to bound them up like that. Glad to see he is doing better.
