Monday, January 23, 2012

Ethan's Post Surgery Appointment and Check Up

These were pictures of Ethan at his check up in January 2011 getting his ears checking by his Craniofacial Otolaryngologist Dr. Sie. He was not too thrilled with the experience since he had to get his ears cleaned, but she tried to make him feel better by cleaning penguin's ears first.

Below you can see the screen on the right side of the picture where her scope machine projects an image. On the screen is penguin's ear and Ethan can be seen behind the scope looking at the big screen. It was pretty cool that she could do that. Unfortunately when it was Ethan's turn, I had to comfort him and didn't get to see his ears on the screen.

Ethan just had his ears cleaned while he was in surgery in September, but because his ear canals are so small, he might need to get his ears cleaned pretty regularly. Too bad we didn't get the hearing screen done before he had his ears cleaned.

The overall outcome of his check up with the hearing pathologist was actually great. It was the first hearing screen he's had so far that the pathologist feels confident that he can actually hear at least somewhat in both ears.

Dr. Sie thought Ethan looked great and was happy to see that it appears his tonsil and adenoid removal worked to open up more space in his airway and improve his sleeping patterns.

Sara Kinter his speech pathologist at Children's evaluated him and thought he was doing great and has made great improvements, but was glad to hear that Ethan is still in speech therapy because he is missing a few sounds he should have. She said he also speaks with a resonance that other children like him have.

Dr. Hopper the plastic surgeon gave him a look over and thought Ethan looked great although he wants Ethan to repeat his sleep study in July, which will make it 6 months since his last study to re-evaluate where his sleep is at that time.

Dr. Kifle the sleep doctor told us that Ethan still has sleep apnea, but it is much improved from the last study he did. She would normally want Ethan to use a C PAP machine, but agreed that if the other doctors are okay with him having another sleep study to evaluate, she would be okay with it too.


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