Wednesday, December 24, 2014

"Hello again, hello. Just called to say hello. "

Yes, it's been a very long time.  Over a year.  Since this blog eventually turned into a family news blog, that function soon got supplanted by Facebook where family news and events got posted (complete with pictures!).

At this point, the blog will probably just be used for posterity and to log events relevant to Ethan's condition.

With regard to that topic - nothing has changed.  Since the last update, Ethan has been doing very well and has come out of every regular Children's followup with nothing to report except that he is coming along nicely!

And for the sake of posterity - other news that has happened in the last year+
*The boys continue with Karate.  Ethan is now a Gold stripe belt (3rd color rank for kids 7 and under at his school) and Jonathan is a Purple belt (4th color rank for kids 7-13 at his school)

*Ethan started Hockey 1.

*Jonathan has finished losing his first wave of primary teeth.

*Ethan started loosing his teeth.

*Ethan attended his first Star Trek con with us and meet several celebrities, some of whom were quite taken with him!  Jonathan opted to not go and spent the weekend at Grandma's.

*Both  boys attended their first ballet - the Nutcracker.

*Yours truly became an American citizen!

*Ethan got discharged from Speech Therapy.  He is done!

To stay more current on family events, you should friend myself and/or Dina on Facebook.


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