Saturday, February 13, 2010

NBC - EPIC Fail!

It is simply inexcusable and the absolute height of utter and sheer *stupidity* for NBC to show the Olympics on a time delay while in the same time zone as the event itself! The opening ceremonies started at 7PM but NBC - being the #$@%ing morons that they are, didn't start their broadcast until 8:30PM. They opted to fill the hour and a half in between with useless drivel.

Words simply fail me (at least non-four letter words) as to how asinine this is!

I'm actually thinking of having my folks set up the webcam in front of their TV so I can watch REAL Olympic coverage LIVE via Skype rather than that delayed garbage NBC peddles.

Oh, how I long for the days when I could just turn the channel to CBC and watch a PROFESSIONAL broadcast! Alas - no CBC because they were outbid by CTV for the Olympics and Comcast (oh, how I HATE them too - for so many other reasons!) doesn't carry CTV...

- bob

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