Monday, May 16, 2011

Allergy Testing

Ethan had some allergy testing today at Northwest Asthma and Allergy in Redmond.

This is what his back looked like while the testing was happening. He was tested for peanuts and many other tree nuts as well as dairy. They also tested him with salt water which no one is allergic to and he reacted, telling us that Ethan has very sensitive skin. When the test was complete, any bumps that occured were measured. The peanut allergy is the only real reaction that occurred. He did react to some other nuts, but those bumps were the same size or less than the control salt water bump, so those reactions are considered a wash. For now it is believed that Ethan can be around people that ate a peanut and inhale it, but he cannot ingest any peanuts at all. If Jonathan, or anyone else for that matter, eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, he will now need to do a good job washing his hands, face, and brushing his teeth before he comes in contact with Ethan. We also will have to check labels from now on and not give Ethan anything with peanuts. Any product that was made in the same factory with nuts or other such warnings will have to be tested on Ethan before we know if they are safe. Giving him a small piece of the food and watching for a reaction will determine this. We also now have to carry an epipen with us. He has to go back in a year. There is a 25% chance he will outgrow this allergy.


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