Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mom's Day at Preschool

Today was Mom's Day in Jonathan's class. I got to come and spend the first hour with him doing projects like planting and playing in dramatic play. I also watched him play with letters and trains at the train table.

 Planting Together

 Look at me mommie! I can count. Notice that the 5 is missing so he substitued an E.

Tea Party

What should we eat first mommie?

After our time together, all the moms went out in the foyer where the teachers had tables set up. Each child made a placemat for their mother and that is where we sat. Then after a brief introduction, the children sang several songs for us along with doing hand motions. It was SSOOOO sweet. Then after I got a hug, Jonathan joined his classmates in his classroom where he continued on his day with Teacher Enessa. All the moms then got some pastry and tea and listened to Teacher Kerri read us some scriptures and Teacher Susie (the lead teacher in the other 3's class) read us a heartwarming story, which she cried half way through and said she did that every year. It was a very sweet morning.


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