Saturday, April 7, 2012

Emerald City Comicon

I went to my first comicon with Bob this year. I never thought that I would have been caught dead at one of these, but hence I went because I wanted to meet George Takei. I figured he was probably the most famous Japanese American and he has done and is doing a lot of work for Japanese Americans and I really wanted to personally thank him. He has a new play coming out called Allegiance, though unfortunately it debuts in Southern California. If it ever comes here, I will definately go see it. Bob and I got our picture taken with George Takei, which he posted a picture of and then I went back to get his autograph. He was such a nice guy, very friendly. I had heard from other fans that they saw William Shatner and Leonard Nemoy and they were not very friendly to fans at all; Shatner didn't even look up at his fans. Bob met him last year, but just to get a picture and people are hurried in and out right after the picture, so there really is no time to chat with the celebrity. A few fans in front me asked him how to pronounce his last name and he said it rhymes with okay. I will always remember that. Takei signed our photo with him and he looked at Bob's shirt and read "be su", looking puzzled. Takei asked, "Bass?" I told him that Bob played the bass and then it suddenly made sense to him why his shirt said "be su" in Japanese characters. Then I got to personally thank him for doing so much great work for the Japanese American community. I didn't even know there was a Japanese National Museum in California until he lost on Celebrity Apprentice and I found out he was playing for them. He talked to me a little about Japanese Internment since he was interned with his family in Arkansas. I didn't even realize there were internment camps there. He smiled and was so incredibly gracious.

While I was there, I decided to also go over to Lea Thompson's line and get her autograph. As I was waiting, I was watching her and saw how sweet she was too. A little boy and his dad walked up to her at her table and Lea got down on the little boy's level and started talking to him. That was so nice of her. Then she stood for all the taller adults and shook their hands. As I got closer, I could see Will Wheaton in the next booth. He played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek Next Generation. He looked like he was having a great time and I heard he comes to Emerald City Comicon every year. Definately a crowd favorite. When I got to the front, I met Lea's sister who was traveling with her. I asked Lea if this was her first time in Seattle and I don't remember what she said, but she did tell me that she and her sister were going to the Underground Tour the next day. I told them to bring rugged clothes because it was a little dirty and unpathed, but definately worth it. Then she asked me what I would suggest they do and I had a total brain freeze. The only things I could think of were nature visits so I told her that the next time she came she should go see Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens. Also they were going to the Space Needle, so I suggested the restaurant there. Last time I was there was maybe 15 or so years ago and the food wasn't that great, but the view was awesome. Of course when I got home I could totally think of things I should have suggested like the duck tour, Pike Place Market, and the waterfront. Oh well. Lea Thomspon was also so gracious and she's gorgeous in person.

I will always forever be a fan of George Takei and Lea Thompson.


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