This year, I thought it might be fun to go to some community Easter Egg Hunts. We started off going to the city of Redmond for their hunt. My mom came with the boys and I since Bob had to go down to a friend's church and rehearse for their worship service that he was going to be a guest drummer at on Easter Service. When we got there, the boys' age groups were split up. There were a mass amount of people. I took Ethan to his field and mom took Jonathan to his field. The hunt kicked off with the mayor, fire chief, and the Easter bunny in a fire truck lift above the big field. They dropped some eggs and the hunt was on. Ethan started crying right before the start and the field filled up quickly. He stood over 3 eggs and refused to pick them up. He didn't like the big crowd. I always said I wouldn't be one of those parents who picked up eggs for their kids, but since he was standing over 3, I picked them up, put them in his basket, and walked away. He was done and all the eggs were probably taken by that point anyways. It was a madhouse. I heard one parent tell their kid "there were a lot more people here then last year". I saw some kids walking out with empty baskets. That's so sad. Jonathan did pretty well on his lawn and got 11 eggs. We might not do this one again next year since it was just too crowded.
The younger crowd |
We left Redmond City Hall and drove over the Evergreen Hospital. Across the street is their hospice center where they hold their egg hunt for staff and volunteers. Since I am on a parent advisory board, I can attend. I took the boys last year and it was really fun so this year we decided to go again. They go all out with big eggs and big candy like whopper cartons, egg gum, etc. all over the lawn. Again, Jonathan and Ethan were in different age groups. I took Ethan and mom took Jonathan. At Ethan's level, one parent could go out with their child. At Jonathan's age, no adults were allowed to go out. Ethan and I were right in the front since we got there early. Mom said that Jonathan was in the front too, but as time went by, parents were pushing their kids ahead of Jonathan. She was getting irritated and finally pushed Jonathan back up to the front; that was her telling of the situation anyways. I should be surprised since some cities cancelled their egg hunts due to aggressive parents and someone else told me they saw on the news that some places had video of parents telling their kids to push other kids out of the way. Come on people! Really!!!! Anyways, Ethan went right out and started picking up everything he could. He didn't want the candy though, only the eggs. Fine with me. Jonathan apparently did the same thing. I brought a plastic bag with us since the basket filled up quickly. The boys did really good at this hunt, getting a lot of fun stuff and they even quit early. They both decided they were done even though there was still stuff left to pick up.
The lawn at the Evergreen hunt |
Ethan picking up his eggs |
Jonathan filled up his basket and decided he was done |
When we got home, the boys waited for daddy to get home and then opened up all of their eggs so he could see what they got. Grandpa also came over and was able to share in the egg opening. He spent most of the day hanging out with us too.
Ethan opening his eggs |
Jonathan and his eggs |
The boys' Easter baskets, although I bought big eggs to put the stuff in |
This was the first year we decided to do Easter baskets for the boys. I bought these big eggs and some grass at the after Easter sale at Michaels last year and used those as the baskets. There were Junior Mints, Gymboree CDs, Gymboree shapes, and die cast Cars 2 figures. It was a big hit!
The boys with grandpa |
After Easter Sunday service, we also had the annual Easter Egg Hunt. It was outside behind the church since it was a nice sunny day.
Getting ready |
Ethan going to town |
He has mastered the egg hunt |
Jonathan racing for eggs |
He has mastered the hunt and was less picky about which eggs or colors he picked up. |
Hug from Ellen |
After church, the boys and I stopped at the City of Kirkland's egg hunt at Peter Kirk Park. Again, the boys were split up into different age groups, but I brought Ethan to the over 4 section since I was by myself. His section was supposed to be on the playground; the older section was on the baseball field. When we arrived, we were in the front line. By the time the hunt started, we were only in the second row and that was with me continually trying to stay ahead of the line. This egg hunt consisted of little chocolate eggs all over the lawn and not plastic eggs. To keep the crowd entertained, the Easter Bunny and an Easter Duck were walking around taking pictures with kids. The boys were able to get some chocolate eggs and picked me some dandelions.
Jonathan wearing his Easter basket while we waited for the hunt |
Ethan trying to wear his Easter basket |
The boys and the Easter Duck...Big Foster |
In the afternoon, we went over to mom's house for an Easter egg hunt and dinner. Bob joined us. I brought some eggs and Tayla brought some eggs too. Before the hunt, Tayla brought a craft to do that was a bunny mask to decorate. My family, Ryan's family, Dad and Joy, and Mom were there for the egg hunt. The hunt took place in the backyard.
Ready, Set, Go! |
Jonathan having a great time |
Grandpa was watching |
Ethan was an old pro |
Here Ethan |
After the hunt, the boys and AJ opened all their eggs. Oma Joy helped Ethan open all of his. Everyone had a lot of fun. After we opened all the eggs, Dad and Joy left to go back to Melissa's house. It was wonderful having them with us for a while on Easter to see the kids do their hunt.
Opening eggs |
Help from Oma Joy |
Uncle Ryan brought the egg dying kit and Jonathan was really into coloring eggs. This was the first year he really wanted to do it. He and Uncle Ryan colored eggs together.
Coloring eggs |
Later in the evening, Andy, Erin, and Ben showed up after being in Bellingham. We ate dessert and the kids got to play together for a little while.
Ben |
Amanda went to bed and then the boys were left. Eventually, Jonathan and Ethan fell asleep. They were so tired. The pretty much slept for the rest of the night, even when we got them in the car and took them home.
Ben looking at Ethan sleeping |
Tired out Jonathan |
The next day, the boys opened their eggs from the church egg hunt. They ended up each getting a special cross egg that they were supposed to bring back the next week for a prize which turned out to be bubbles and a box of chocolate eggs.
Opening the last of the eggs |
The special cross eggs |
What a fun and full Easter we had this year. The boys were really into the Easter egg hunts and Jonathan was a lot less picky then he has been in the past. Holidays just keep getting more fun and eventful every year.
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